As time playing grails goes on, I find another way to build a JSON, only two steps:
1. To fill a list or a map with your data.
2. Using "as JSON".
Here is a sample:
def toc= TutorialRepository.toc
int i=1
int j=1
def tocJson=[]
toc.each{ ch ->
def chJson= [:]
chJson['title']= ch.title
chJson['sections']= []
ch.sections.each{ se ->
def seJson= [:]
seJson['title']= se.title
seJson['pos']= "${i}:${j}"
chJson['sections'] << seJson
tocJson << chJson
j= 1
render tocJson as JSON
It's simple, right? And there are several advantages in this way building a JSON:
1. It makes code clean.
2. You can build more expressive JSON.
3. It is more intuitive as the structure of the list(or the map) is the structure of the final JSON.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing this. It reduces the code size and possible errors.
Amit Jain
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