- Jsecurity 0.9
- Grails 1.1.1
- Grails JSecurity Plugin 0.4.1
First, let's check grails-jsecurity-plugin. As I said in my last post, this plugin is awesome! If you decide to take jescurity as the fundation of your security function, you should also consider to examine this plugin. Trust me, it will sppeed up your development. Now, it's time to see how to use it:
- grails install-plugin jsecurity, or you can download it from http://grails.org/plugin/shiro, then grails install-plugin plugin-path
- grails quick-start, this is the simplest way to use this plugin. In this step, you will get 6 security domain classes (including JsecPermission, JsecRole, JsecUser, JsecRolePermissionRel, JsecUserPermissionRel and JsecUserRoleRel), a DbRealm(JsecDbRealm), an AuthController and a login page. All of those classes will meet your need at most of time. If you are using ladp, you can try the LadpRealm provided by this plugin, using "grails create-ldap-realm".
- grails create-filters filters-name, this filter will inteceptor all the request, if you want to protect something, this is a good place. To protect what you want to keep, you can leaveage the access control dsl made by this plugin:
- need authentication? accessControll { true }
- has role? accessControll{ role('admin') }
- is permitted? accessControll{ permission("${actionName}:${actionName}:${params.id}") }
- Using the tag lib to enhance your UI.
- Configurating WildcardPermission as the permission class of your application. In BootStrap.groovy:
new JsecPermission(type: 'org.jsecurity.authz.permission.WildcardPermission', possibleActions: '*').save()
Except WildcardPermission, You also can use AllPermission to represent a permission owned by administrator:new JsecPermission(type: 'org.jsecurity.authz.permission.AllPermission', possibleActions: '*').save()
- Implementing the CRUD of those security domain classes. Here, I will show you some samples:
- add user: new JsecUser(username: 'foxgem', passwordHash: new Sha1Hash('foxgem').toHex()).save()
- add role: new JsecRole(name: 'admin').save()
- assign a role to a user:
def role= JsecRole.get(1)
def user= JsecUser.get(1)
new JsecUserRoleRel(role: role, user: user).save() - add user: new JsecUser(username: 'foxgem', passwordHash: new Sha1Hash('foxgem').toHex()).save()
- assign a permission to a user:
def user= JsecUser.get(1)
def permission= JsecPermission.get(1)
// In this sample, the target property is a wildcard permission string, eg: 'controller:action'.
// Please to check WildcardPermission in JSecurity API document for more information.
new JsecUserPermissionRel(permission: permission, user: user, target: params.target, actions: '*').save()

At the end of this post, I will list some helpful resources:
- An Introduction to Ki (formerly JSecurity) – A Beginner's Tutorial Part 1
- An Introduction to Ki (formerly JSecurity) – A Beginner's Tutorial Part 2
- An Introduction to Ki (formerly JSecurity) – A Beginner's Tutorial Part 3
- An Introduction to Ki (formerly JSecurity) – A Beginner's Tutorial Part 4
- An Introduction to Ki (formerly JSecurity) – A Beginner's Tutorial Part 5
- Grails JSecurity plugin 0.4 released
- Grails Shiro Plugin Home
- jsecurity API
Great write-up. Also, since JSecurity is now Apache Shiro, you should definitely check out the Grails Shiro plugin:
It is a little more polished and is actively being maintained (The JSecurity grails plugin is now end-of-life as I understand it).
Finally, what tool did you use to create the class/concepts diagram?
Thank you for your reminder. As for that tool, you can check out FreeMind, http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Thanks for the pointer - looks good!
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